
Dr. Jones has worked with PRISM since 2010, earning his PhD in epidemiology from Emory University in 2016. He previously earned a MPH in epidemiology from Emory and MS in psychology from the University of Florida. His research focuses on behavioral aspects of HIV risk, risk assessment methods, mobile-based HIV prevention interventions, and mathematical modeling approaches to understanding the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men. Dr. Jones also enjoys teaching and mentoring. He serves as Thesis Advisor for students in the Applied Epidemiology track of the Executive Master of Public Health (EMPH) program and teaches epidemiology methods courses in the traditional MPH and EMPH programs.
Recent Publications
Willingness to Participate in and Preferences for Studies of mHealth HIV Prevention Interventions: Cross-Sectional Study Among Sexual and Gender Minority Groups in the Southern United States
Demographic and behavioral characteristics of urban and non-urban PrEP-using MSM in the South
Understanding disparities in viral suppression among Black MSM living with HIV in Atlanta Georgia
Disparities in Care Outcomes in Atlanta Between Black and White Men Who Have Sex With Men Living With HIV: Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study (Engage[men]t)
Changes in sexual behavior, PrEP adherence, and access to sexual health services due to the COVID-19 pandemic among a cohort of PrEP-using MSM in the South
HIV prevalence and incidence in a cohort of South African men and transgender women who have sex with men: the Sibanye Methods for Prevention Packages Programme (MP3) project
Sexually transmitted infection screening, prevalence and incidence among South African men and transgender women who have sex with men enrolled in a combination HIV prevention cohort study: the Sibanye Methods for Prevention Packages Programme (MP3) project
Similarities and Differences in COVID-19 Awareness, Concern, and Symptoms by Race and Ethnicity in the United States: Cross-Sectional Survey
Policy- and county-level associations with HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use, the United States, 2018
Validation of the HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Stigma Scale: Performance of Likert and Semantic Differential Scale Versions
Methods for county-level estimation of pre-exposure prophylaxis coverage and application to the U.S. Ending the HIV Epidemic jurisdictions
Epidemiological Impact of Expedited Partner Therapy for Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Modeling Study
Birth Cohort and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Age of First Oral and Anal Sex Among U.S. Men Who Have Sex with Men
Optimizing Coverage vs Frequency for Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening of Men Who Have Sex With Men
Developing a Mobile App (LYNX) to Support Linkage to HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Proportion of Incident HIV Cases among Men Who Have Sex with Men Attributable to Gonorrhea and Chlamydia: A Modeling Analysis.
Progress in the HIV epidemic: Identifying goals and measuring success.
Trends in the use of oral emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV infection, United States, 2012-2017.
The prevalence of pre-exposure prophylaxis use and the pre-exposure prophylaxis-to-need ratio in the fourth quarter of 2017, United States
Estimating Prevalent Diagnoses and Rates of New Diagnoses of HIV at the State Level by Age Group Among Men who Have Sex With Men in the United States
The association between monetary and sexual delay discounting and risky sexual behavior in an online sample of men who have sex with men
Assessing the Performance of 3 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Incidence Risk Scores in a Cohort of Black and White Men Who Have Sex With Men in the South
Usability and Acceptability of a Mobile Comprehensive HIV Prevention App for Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Pilot Study
Age-Dependent Effects in the Association between Monetary Delay Discounting and Risky Sexual Behavior
Acceptability of Couples' Voluntary HIV Testing Among HIV-Infected Patients in Care and Their HIV-negative Partners in the United States
The Roles of Technology in Primary HIV Prevention for Men Who Have Sex with Men
Impulsivity as a risk factor for HIV transmission in men who have sex with men: a delay discounting approach
Relationship Agreements and Willingness to Participate in Couples HIV Testing and Counseling Among Heterosexuals in the U.S
Acceptability and willingness among men who have sex with men (MSM) to use a tablet-based HIV risk assessment in a clinical setting
Safety and acceptability of couples HIV testing and counseling for US men who have sex with men: a randomized prevention study
The global north: HIV epidemiology in high-income countries
The prevalence of undiagnosed HIV serodiscordance among male couples presenting for HIV testing